Improving Knowledge Retention and Perceived Control through Serious Games: a Study about Assisted Emergency Evacuation
Authors: Chittaro, L.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 30, No. 8, August 2024, pp. 5339-5349.
Abstract: Digital games for education and training, also called serious games (SGs), have shown beneficial effects on learning in several studies. In addition, some studies are suggesting that SGs could improve user's perceived control, which affects the likelihood that the learned content will be applied in the real world. However, most SG studies tend to focus on immediate effects, providing no indication on knowledge and perceived control over time, especially in contrast with nongame approaches. Moreover, SG research on perceived control has focused mainly on self-efficacy, disregarding the complementary construct of locus of control (LOC). This paper advances both lines of research, assessing user's knowledge and LOC over time, with a SG as well as traditional printed materials that teach the same content. Results show that the SG was more effective than printed materials for knowledge retention over time, and a better retention outcome was found also for LOC. An additional contribution of the paper is the proposal of a novel SG that targets the inclusivity goal of safe evacuation for all, extending SG research to a domain not dealt with before, i.e. assisting persons with disabilities in emergencies.